Member Benefits

For more than 80 years, ASPA’s commitment to its members has afforded us the privilege of encouraging and supporting scholars and practitioners in the public administration field.  The website page “About ASPA”  provides information about the mission of advancing excellence in public administration through chapters, sections, publications, conferences and strategic initiatives.  


Stay up-to-date on pre-eminent scholarship, governance best practices, and public administration news provided in ASPA publications including the Public Administration Review journal, PA Times magazine, and The Bridge newsletter; as well as in ASPA section updates.


Participate in educational opportunities provided in chapter events, section activities and e-learning offerings, as well as in annual regional and national conferences.   Obtain insights on public administration excellence on your own time and in your own way.


Connect with your peers in the Keystone State Chapter, as well as within your part of the discipline. Local chapter events, topic-based Sections, and ASPA conferences offer you in-person and digital ways to connect with other public administrators.

You can find helpful information regarding careers in the teaching or practice of public administration at

This website is sponsored by the three most prominent organizations in professional public service and education: our national ASPA organization; NASPAA (Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration); and APPAM (Association of Public Policy and Administration). This website features information on finding jobs, career advice, and information on degrees in public service and public affairs. 

The Keystone State Chapter of ASPA is a statewide organization that serves members from all regions of Pennsylvania.  Given the current challenges faced by public institutions and public servants, it has become increasingly important to support those who provide essential public services.  ASPA does this in many ways, primarily as the critical bridge between public administration scholarship and practitioners in the field.

As a member of ASPA, you can join other chapter members in supporting our Society’s goal to advance the art, science, teaching and practice of public and nonprofit administration by:

  • Promoting the value of joining and elevating the public service profession.
  • Building bridges among all who pursue public purposes at home and internationally.
  • Providing  networking and professional development opportunities to those committed to public service values.
  • Achieving innovative solutions to the challenges of governance.

TO JOIN:  Go to – “Membership” and then  “Join ASPA!”